Ada 3 jenis preposition:
1) preposition of time,
2) preposition of place,
3) preposition of direction.
Keterangan :
A. Preposition of Time
bagiannya :
At, on, in, by, till, until, up to, since, during, for, throughout.
(1) AT - arti: "Di" - untuk menunjukkan waktu yang spesifik, jam.
Contoh: at 6pm, at midnight, at night, at lunchtime, etc.
(2) ON - arti: "di" - untuk menunjukkan waktu yang lebih umum, tanggal atau hari.
Contoh: on Sunday, on Sundays, on Christmas Day, on my birthday, on 30th of November, etc.
(3) IN - arti: "di" (dalam rentang waktu) - untuk menunjukkan waktu yang lebih luas seperti bulan, tahun, abad, periode.
Contoh: in May, in summer, in 2011, in the past, in the middle of a discussion, etc.
(4) By - arti: "paling lambat" - menunjukkan batas waktu terakhir, seperti deadline.
Contoh: by midnight (paling lambat pd saat tengah malam), by Monday (paling lambat pd hari Senin), by the end of the month (paling lambat pd akhir bulan), etc.
(5) until/till - arti: "hingga" - menunjukkan titik waktu terakhir secara spesifik.
Contoh: Until/till midnight, until/till next month, until 12 am, etc.
(6) up to - arti: "hingga" - digunakan sama seperti until/till, untuk menunjukkan waktu terakhir secara spesifik. #EngClass
Contoh: up to May, up to the end of the show, etc.
(7) since - "sejak" - menunjukkan waktu spesifik saat mulainya sebuah kegiatan/proses.
Contoh: Since 2010, since a couple of days ago, etc.
(8) during - "selama durasi" - untuk menunjukkan jalannya waktu selama kegiatan/proses berlangsung. Contoh: during class, etc.
(9) for - "selama" - menunjukkan lama waktu berjalannya kegiatan/proses.
Contoh: for two days, for several years, etc.
(10) throughout - "selama"- menunjukkan proses yg terus berlangsung dari awal mulai smp akhirnya selesai.
Contoh: throughout the year
Dari penjelasan2 barusan, kira2 preposition apa yang cocok untuk kalimat ini?
I have a meeting (preposition) 9am.
Answer: "at" I have a meeting at 9am.
AT - menunjukkan waktu spesifik seperti jam.
Apple will launch a new product (preposition) December.
Answer: "in". Apple will launch a new product in December.
In - menunjukkan waktu yg lebih umum/luas seperti bulan, tahun, abad.
Let's do some exercise. Pilih preposition yang sesuai dengan kalimat2 berikut. Jwb dlm kalimat lengkap & jgn lupa no.soal
1. What are you doing (at/in/on) the weekend?
2. Maybe I'll go to the cinema (at/in/on) Saturday. #EngClass
3. I haven't been to the cinema (for/since) so many years. #EngClass
4. We could go there together (at/in/on) the afternoon. #EngClass
5. I would prefer to go there (at/in/on) the evening. I am visiting my mum(at/in/on) Saturday. #EngClass
6. The film starts (at/in/on) eight o'clock. #EngClass
7. I can pick you up (at/in/on) half past seven. #EngClass
8. It lasts (for/to/until) two hours and forty-five minutes. #EngClass
9. The class is from eight (for/past/till) a quarter to eleven. #EngClass
10. I have to be home (by/since/until) eleven o'clock. #EngClass
Answer: 1. on, 2. on, 3. for, 4. in, 5. in, on, 6. at, 7. at, 8. for, 9. till, 10. by.
B. Preposition of Place
'Preposition of place' adalah kata depan yg menjelaskan hubungan tempat/posisi, diikuti o/ objek yg dpt menjelaskan sesuatu/seseorang.
Preposition of place: at, on, in, in front of, behind, next to/beside/by, between, among, over/above, under/below.
1) AT - arti: "di" - untuk menunjukkan posisi, letak, alamat yg jelas (spesifik).
Contoh: at the crossroad, at the bus stop, at 22 Orchard Road.
2) ON - arti: "di" (atas permukaan) atau bisa juga digunakan ketika menyebutkan nama-nama jalan.
Contoh: on a bus, on the 2nd floor, on Melati street.
3) IN - arti: "di" (dalam suatu tempat/ruang) atau bisa juga digunakan ketika menyebutkan nama-nama kota/negara.
Contoh: in a box, in a room, in my pocket, in London.
4) IN FRONT OF - arti: "di depan".
Contoh: She stands in front of the class. (Dia berdiri di depan kelas.)
5) BEHIND - arti: "di belakang".
Contoh: The car is behind the bus. (Mobil itu αϑα di belakang bis.)
6) NEXT TO/BESIDE/BY - arti: "di samping / di sebelah".
Contoh: In English lesson Toni always sit next to/beside/by me. (Pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Toni selalu duduk di sampingku.)
7) BETWEEN - arti: "di antara" - digunakan jika berada di antara 2/lebih objek individual/terpisah.
Contoh: -The student sat between the teacher and his parent. (Siswa itu duduk di antara guru dan orang tuanya.)
-Indonesia is situated between Malaysia to the north, Papua New Guinea to the east, Indian Ocean to the west, and Australia to the south. (Indonesia terletak di antara Malaysia di utara, Papua Nugini di timur, Samudera Hindia di barat, dan Australia di selatan.)
8) AMONG - arti: "di antara" - digunakan jika berada di tengah2 / di antara byk objek (objek di sini bersifat massal, tdk terpisah2).
Contoh: He eventually found his handkerchief among the clothes. (Dia akhirnya menemukan saputangannya di antara baju2.)
9) OVER/ABOVE - arti: "di atas". 'Over' digunakan jika objek msh dpt bersentuhan secara fisik, 'above' jika objek tdk bersentuhan secara fisik.
Contoh: - I put an apple over the table. (Saya meletakkan sebuah apel di atas meja.)
- The children enjoy watching the planes fly above them. (Anak-anak menikmati menonton pesawat terbang di atas mereka.)
10) UNDER/BELOW - arti: "di bawah". 'Under' digunakan jika objek msh dpt bersentuhan secara fisik, 'below' jika objek tdk bersentuhan secara fisik.
Contoh: - There is a box under an apple. (Ada sebuah kotak di bawah sebuah apel.)
- We are sitting below the fan. (Kami duduk di bawah kipas angin.)
1) preposition of time,
2) preposition of place,
3) preposition of direction.
Keterangan :
A. Preposition of Time
bagiannya :
At, on, in, by, till, until, up to, since, during, for, throughout.
(1) AT - arti: "Di" - untuk menunjukkan waktu yang spesifik, jam.
Contoh: at 6pm, at midnight, at night, at lunchtime, etc.
(2) ON - arti: "di" - untuk menunjukkan waktu yang lebih umum, tanggal atau hari.
Contoh: on Sunday, on Sundays, on Christmas Day, on my birthday, on 30th of November, etc.
(3) IN - arti: "di" (dalam rentang waktu) - untuk menunjukkan waktu yang lebih luas seperti bulan, tahun, abad, periode.
Contoh: in May, in summer, in 2011, in the past, in the middle of a discussion, etc.
(4) By - arti: "paling lambat" - menunjukkan batas waktu terakhir, seperti deadline.
Contoh: by midnight (paling lambat pd saat tengah malam), by Monday (paling lambat pd hari Senin), by the end of the month (paling lambat pd akhir bulan), etc.
(5) until/till - arti: "hingga" - menunjukkan titik waktu terakhir secara spesifik.
Contoh: Until/till midnight, until/till next month, until 12 am, etc.
(6) up to - arti: "hingga" - digunakan sama seperti until/till, untuk menunjukkan waktu terakhir secara spesifik. #EngClass
Contoh: up to May, up to the end of the show, etc.
(7) since - "sejak" - menunjukkan waktu spesifik saat mulainya sebuah kegiatan/proses.
Contoh: Since 2010, since a couple of days ago, etc.
(8) during - "selama durasi" - untuk menunjukkan jalannya waktu selama kegiatan/proses berlangsung. Contoh: during class, etc.
(9) for - "selama" - menunjukkan lama waktu berjalannya kegiatan/proses.
Contoh: for two days, for several years, etc.
(10) throughout - "selama"- menunjukkan proses yg terus berlangsung dari awal mulai smp akhirnya selesai.
Contoh: throughout the year
Dari penjelasan2 barusan, kira2 preposition apa yang cocok untuk kalimat ini?
I have a meeting (preposition) 9am.
Answer: "at" I have a meeting at 9am.
AT - menunjukkan waktu spesifik seperti jam.
Apple will launch a new product (preposition) December.
Answer: "in". Apple will launch a new product in December.
In - menunjukkan waktu yg lebih umum/luas seperti bulan, tahun, abad.
Let's do some exercise. Pilih preposition yang sesuai dengan kalimat2 berikut. Jwb dlm kalimat lengkap & jgn lupa no.soal
1. What are you doing (at/in/on) the weekend?
2. Maybe I'll go to the cinema (at/in/on) Saturday. #EngClass
3. I haven't been to the cinema (for/since) so many years. #EngClass
4. We could go there together (at/in/on) the afternoon. #EngClass
5. I would prefer to go there (at/in/on) the evening. I am visiting my mum(at/in/on) Saturday. #EngClass
6. The film starts (at/in/on) eight o'clock. #EngClass
7. I can pick you up (at/in/on) half past seven. #EngClass
8. It lasts (for/to/until) two hours and forty-five minutes. #EngClass
9. The class is from eight (for/past/till) a quarter to eleven. #EngClass
10. I have to be home (by/since/until) eleven o'clock. #EngClass
Answer: 1. on, 2. on, 3. for, 4. in, 5. in, on, 6. at, 7. at, 8. for, 9. till, 10. by.
B. Preposition of Place
'Preposition of place' adalah kata depan yg menjelaskan hubungan tempat/posisi, diikuti o/ objek yg dpt menjelaskan sesuatu/seseorang.
Preposition of place: at, on, in, in front of, behind, next to/beside/by, between, among, over/above, under/below.
1) AT - arti: "di" - untuk menunjukkan posisi, letak, alamat yg jelas (spesifik).
Contoh: at the crossroad, at the bus stop, at 22 Orchard Road.
2) ON - arti: "di" (atas permukaan) atau bisa juga digunakan ketika menyebutkan nama-nama jalan.
Contoh: on a bus, on the 2nd floor, on Melati street.
3) IN - arti: "di" (dalam suatu tempat/ruang) atau bisa juga digunakan ketika menyebutkan nama-nama kota/negara.
Contoh: in a box, in a room, in my pocket, in London.
4) IN FRONT OF - arti: "di depan".
Contoh: She stands in front of the class. (Dia berdiri di depan kelas.)
5) BEHIND - arti: "di belakang".
Contoh: The car is behind the bus. (Mobil itu αϑα di belakang bis.)
6) NEXT TO/BESIDE/BY - arti: "di samping / di sebelah".
Contoh: In English lesson Toni always sit next to/beside/by me. (Pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Toni selalu duduk di sampingku.)
7) BETWEEN - arti: "di antara" - digunakan jika berada di antara 2/lebih objek individual/terpisah.
Contoh: -The student sat between the teacher and his parent. (Siswa itu duduk di antara guru dan orang tuanya.)
-Indonesia is situated between Malaysia to the north, Papua New Guinea to the east, Indian Ocean to the west, and Australia to the south. (Indonesia terletak di antara Malaysia di utara, Papua Nugini di timur, Samudera Hindia di barat, dan Australia di selatan.)
8) AMONG - arti: "di antara" - digunakan jika berada di tengah2 / di antara byk objek (objek di sini bersifat massal, tdk terpisah2).
Contoh: He eventually found his handkerchief among the clothes. (Dia akhirnya menemukan saputangannya di antara baju2.)
9) OVER/ABOVE - arti: "di atas". 'Over' digunakan jika objek msh dpt bersentuhan secara fisik, 'above' jika objek tdk bersentuhan secara fisik.
Contoh: - I put an apple over the table. (Saya meletakkan sebuah apel di atas meja.)
- The children enjoy watching the planes fly above them. (Anak-anak menikmati menonton pesawat terbang di atas mereka.)
10) UNDER/BELOW - arti: "di bawah". 'Under' digunakan jika objek msh dpt bersentuhan secara fisik, 'below' jika objek tdk bersentuhan secara fisik.
Contoh: - There is a box under an apple. (Ada sebuah kotak di bawah sebuah apel.)
- We are sitting below the fan. (Kami duduk di bawah kipas angin.)