Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

One or Ones as Pronoun

  • One dan Ones digunakan saat kita menggabungkan 2 kalimat dengan objek yang sama, tapi dengan sifat yang lain.
  • One dan Ones dipakai untuk menggantikan benda atau objek, jadi tidak perlu lagi diikuti dengan kata benda sesudahnya.
  • One dipakai untuk menggantikan kata benda atau objek tunggal, sedangkan ones dipakai untuk kata benda atau objek jamak.

Contoh 'one': Herry is a friendly boy, but Jimmy is a talkative one. One menggantikan 'boy'.
Contoh 'ones': My puppies are brown-white, but those ones are black. Ones menggantikan 'puppies'.

Perhatikan: setelah menggunakan kata ganti one/ones, kata benda yang digantikan tidak perlu disebut kembali.
  • BENAR: Herry is a friendly boy, but Jimmy is a talkative one.
  • SALAH: Herry is a friendly boy, but Jimmy is a talkative one boy.

Choose True (T) or False (F), and correct the mistake. 
1) This woman is fat, but that one is thin.
2) This long candle is white, but that short ones is red.
3) This necklace is made of gold, but that ones is made of silver.
4) These apples are red, but those one are green.
5) These pens are ours, but those ones pens are theirs.
6) We buy yellow shawls, but they buy green one.
7) I shall buy a cheap drink, but he will buy an expensive ones.
8) This problem is easy, but that one is difficult.
9) That train might be old, but it is a fast one.
10) He drives a red car, but his wife drives a white ones.

Key Answer:
1) T; 2) F (one); 3) F (one); 4) F (ones); 5) F (those ones are); 6) F (ones); 7) F (one); 8) T; 9) T; 10) F (one).

2 komentar:

  1. andini, keren! teruskan! jadi ntar kalo nyari referensi gampang, tinggal ke kamu aja..
