Sabtu, 05 November 2011

idiom of the week #4

1. Sluggish. Dari kata slug yang berarti siput. Makna: sangat lamban. Contoh: She's a sluggish worker.
2. Holy cow! Makna: astaga! Contoh: Holy cow! Does he really care about what we eat?!
3. Henpecked. Makna: suami yang takut dengan istri. Contoh: Who is a hen-pecked husband?
4. Sitting duck. Makna: tidak berdaya. Contoh: That sweet old lady was a sitting fuck for the aggressive salesman.
5. Ferret. Dari hewan pengerat. Makna: mengorek. Contoh: She ferreted out the truth.
6. Buy Pig in a Poke. Maknanya sama seperti 'membeli kucing dalam karung'. Contoh: Is it really a great deal or just a pig in a poke?
7. Swan song. Makna: pertunjukan terakhir karir seseorang. Contoh: She is ready for her swan song.
8. Sheepish. Makna: tersipu-sipu. Contoh: A girl seemed sheepish when she visited her boyfriend.
9. Goatee. Makna: jenggot yang panjang. Contoh: Do you know how to grow a goatee?
10. Lion's share. Makna: Porsi paling besar. Contoh: The winner will get lion's share of the contract!

2 komentar:

  1. Are you an English teacher? If you're I am too. How do you do? I am an English teacher at an SMP in Garut, West Java but more senior than you. I always like people who like English.

    1. am an english teacher wanna be, sir :)
      nice too meet you!
