Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Idiom of the Week #6

1) level with. Arti: ngomong/ bilang terus terang pada seseorang. "Alright, I'm gonna level with you. I don't want you anymore."
2) by mistake. Arti: karena khilaf. "I left my purse in the toilet by mistake."
3) heart of gold. Arti: hati yang baik. "My neighbor has been nice to me. She has a heart of gold."
4) one's heart skips a beat. Arti: terkejut; senang sekali. "My heart skips a beat every time I see her."
5) roll with the punches. Arti: menerima dengan tenang dan tanpa putus asa. "I roll with the punches if it comes to bad news."
6) hit the rock bottom. Arti: berada pada titik terendah dalam hidup. "He hit the rock bottom when he lost his only daughter."
7) green with envy. Arti: sangat iri. "She is leaving for Paris tomorrow for Summer holiday, and I am green with envy."
8) so to speak. Arti: pada hakikatnya/ intinya; dapat dikatakan (bahwa). "The invention was, so to speak, a work of genius."
9) read one like a book. Arti: tahu/ kenal benar tentang sesuatu/ seseorang. "I have known you for years. I can read you like a book."
10) in a nutshell. Arti: singkat kata. "So in a nutshell, your computer is broken and you need to buy a new one."
Compiled and written by @NenoNeno at @EnglishTips4U on October 19, 2011

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