Sabtu, 05 November 2011

idiom of the week #4

1. Sluggish. Dari kata slug yang berarti siput. Makna: sangat lamban. Contoh: She's a sluggish worker.
2. Holy cow! Makna: astaga! Contoh: Holy cow! Does he really care about what we eat?!
3. Henpecked. Makna: suami yang takut dengan istri. Contoh: Who is a hen-pecked husband?
4. Sitting duck. Makna: tidak berdaya. Contoh: That sweet old lady was a sitting fuck for the aggressive salesman.
5. Ferret. Dari hewan pengerat. Makna: mengorek. Contoh: She ferreted out the truth.
6. Buy Pig in a Poke. Maknanya sama seperti 'membeli kucing dalam karung'. Contoh: Is it really a great deal or just a pig in a poke?
7. Swan song. Makna: pertunjukan terakhir karir seseorang. Contoh: She is ready for her swan song.
8. Sheepish. Makna: tersipu-sipu. Contoh: A girl seemed sheepish when she visited her boyfriend.
9. Goatee. Makna: jenggot yang panjang. Contoh: Do you know how to grow a goatee?
10. Lion's share. Makna: Porsi paling besar. Contoh: The winner will get lion's share of the contract!

Idiom of the Week #6

1) level with. Arti: ngomong/ bilang terus terang pada seseorang. "Alright, I'm gonna level with you. I don't want you anymore."
2) by mistake. Arti: karena khilaf. "I left my purse in the toilet by mistake."
3) heart of gold. Arti: hati yang baik. "My neighbor has been nice to me. She has a heart of gold."
4) one's heart skips a beat. Arti: terkejut; senang sekali. "My heart skips a beat every time I see her."
5) roll with the punches. Arti: menerima dengan tenang dan tanpa putus asa. "I roll with the punches if it comes to bad news."
6) hit the rock bottom. Arti: berada pada titik terendah dalam hidup. "He hit the rock bottom when he lost his only daughter."
7) green with envy. Arti: sangat iri. "She is leaving for Paris tomorrow for Summer holiday, and I am green with envy."
8) so to speak. Arti: pada hakikatnya/ intinya; dapat dikatakan (bahwa). "The invention was, so to speak, a work of genius."
9) read one like a book. Arti: tahu/ kenal benar tentang sesuatu/ seseorang. "I have known you for years. I can read you like a book."
10) in a nutshell. Arti: singkat kata. "So in a nutshell, your computer is broken and you need to buy a new one."
Compiled and written by @NenoNeno at @EnglishTips4U on October 19, 2011

idiom using the word "play"

1) play fair. Arti: bersikap jujur. "Please play fair with me. Tell me the truth."
2) play one's cards right. Arti: bertindak tepat (dalam memanfaatkan peluang). "Play your cards right and you'll be successful."
3) play possum. Arti: berdiam diri. "Don't play possum and pretend you don't know anything. Say something!"
4) play it cool. Arti: sangat tenang atau berhati-hati. "Don't worry. Whenever you meet the boss, just play it cool."
5) play with fire. Arti: bermain api/ mencari masalah. "You play with fire if you tease that girl. Her father is not gonna like it."
6) play up to. Arti: mencari muka. "She played up to the professor, hoping she would be his favorite student."
7) play the field. Arti: berganti pacar atau teman jalan. "Since he broke up, he thinks it is OK to play the field."
8) play up. Arti: menonjolkan. "Play up your sweet personality so everyone will remember you."
9) play the devil. Arti: mengacaukan. "Please stop playing the devil with my plan. I really want this to happen."
10) play it safe. Arti: bersikap supaya aman/ tidak mengambil resiko. "They played it safe tonight and did not win the competition."
Compiled and written by @NenoNeno at @EnglishTips4U on November 5, 2011

'Also', 'Too', and 'As well'

‘Also’, ‘too’, & ‘as well’ sama2 digunakan u/ menyatakan ‘juga’ tetapi memiliki aturan yg berbeda dlm penggunaannya.

‘Also’ biasa diletakkan sblm k.kerja,bisa juga di akhir kalimat. Sementara ‘too’ & ‘as well’ selalu diletakkan di akhir kalimat.

‘Also’ & ‘as well’ banyak dijumpai dlm konteks kalimat formal sedangkan ‘too’ lebih sering dipakai dlm konteks kalimat informal.

Contoh:  Dani has a dog at home. a) Risa also has a dog at her home. b) Risa has a dog too. c) Risa has a dog as well.